What a week. I hope you enjoyed the DNC Convention and seeing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris accept the nominations for President and Vice President of the United States as much as I did. History has been made.

As I watched the speeches and listened to diverse voices and perspectives, I felt the urgency of the next 74 days we have left before November 3. We have a lot of energy behind our ticket. We are united in our mission and our shared goals. 
But we need to stay focused and we need to get organized. Our nation is divided, and we are still facing a global pandemic, but we can do this. We are an imperfect union, but we are one people. As a country, we are in an immensely consequential battle for the soul of our nation.

This is a battle we can win if we're in this together. It's going to take all of us to safeguard our democracy.
I encourage you to finalize your plans for the next 74 days. Focus your activism and volunteerism:
  • Sign up to volunteer to make calls and send texts for Biden and Harris
  • Find local campaigns to help as races up and down the ballot matter more than ever
  • Donate whatever you can to help the Biden and Harris ticket
  • Check your voter registration and commit to voting this November 3
  • Review your state's absentee ballot deadlines - and request your absentee ballot if you do not plan to physically go to the polls on election day.
What are you going to do to ensure we elect the Biden-Harris ticket and Democrats up and down the ballot? As our Democratic nominee said, "This is our moment. This is our mission."
Let's go.