Hey Friend, I’m reaching out today because you’re a critical part of the team that’s going to help us win this election.

The DNC Convention this past week showed us that together we can unite this country once more. But it’s going to take all of us doing our part to energize and mobilize the vote this fall.

Now more than ever, we’re relying on online donations to keep our campaign running. As we get closer to November and continue to adapt to the virtual campaign landscape, online donations give us the resources we need to budget for ads, staffing needs, and our texting and phone banking programs.

If you’re able, will you make a quick donation of any amount today? Your support will help fuel our campaign and our message through these last few months.

It all adds up to make a BIG difference -- thank you for all of your support. Together, we’re going to make a big difference in Arizona.

Team Greene