John - Did you see this note from Sara? It's really important.
7% of voters are still undecided and with just 73 days left in this race, we're running out of time to reach them.
So please, rush an urgent contribution to help us reach these undecided voters before it's too late. You can chip in here:
Thanks for your support. We mean it. Sara can't win this race without you.
- Team Gideon
------Original message------
I'm about to ask you to make a contribution to support my campaign. I hope you'll give me a chance to explain why this request -- especially today -- is so important.
A recent poll shows me 3 points ahead of Senator Collins. But that's not the number I want you to focus on.
What's even more important is that 7% of voters are still undecided. That's enough to either make or break our lead in this race -- and with less than three months until election day, we are running out of time to reach them.
That's why I'm reaching out personally to ask:
Can I count on you to make a contribution right away to help us reach these remaining undecided voters? This couldn't be more important. You can chip in here:
[link removed]
Remember John, I'm rejecting all corporate PAC donations, so my team is counting on supporters like you to chip in what you can.
Otherwise, we won't have the resources we need to reach these undecided voters and cement our lead in the polls before election day.
So thanks in advance for your contribution. With you by my side, I'm confident we will come out ahead and defeat Susan Collins in November.
All my best,
CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]
[link removed]
Paid for and Authorized by Sara Gideon for Maine