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Recently, the Democrats have been running around trying to secure endorsements from celebrities and other high profile members of their party.
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Recently, the Democrats have been running around trying to secure endorsements from celebrities and other high profile members of their party. Their need for fame and attention exemplifies their relentless pursuit of power no matter what the cost.

This election is not decided by Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, or any other Democrat trying to persuade voters and donors. 

This election is decided by the American people.

If the Dems knew that, they would focus a little more time on coming up with solutions to the problems facing our country, and a little less time trying to get celebrities to say their name on social media.

We are tired of the circus the Dems are creating around this election. We need leaders who will focus on the best interests of their constituents and come up with common sense solutions for our future. Will you help us support leaders who are putting the American people first?

The Dems are hoping if they can create enough hysteria around this election, voters will not see through their lies in the media. For years they have fought for socialist policies in the Senate. These policies will do nothing but hurt the American people. 

They think we don’t see the game they are playing!

BUT -- we know supporters like you, John, see right through their attempts to warp the media and the truth.

They can bring in as many celebrities as they like, that doesn’t mean they are qualified to govern and protect our country. The spectacle they are creating in the news is just a game to distract from their inability to lead.

Join us in protecting the truth and electing leaders who know how to govern, pitch in $10 today!

Thank you for your support,

Team Toomey

Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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