Child sexualization and racist stereotypes have no place in our society.
Child sexualization and racist stereotypes have no place in our society.
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Robert Kraft, protecting children in online learning environments, and more!

Netflix Pushes the Sexualization of Children and Racist Stereotypes for New Film, Cuties

If Netflix were truly interested in lifting up stories of young children, especially girls of color, they can and must do so without sexualizing children, promoting racist stereotypes, and profiting from sexually objectifying and voyeuristic motifs.
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The ABCs of Safe Online Home Learning

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s 2020 Back to School(ing) Campaign aims to equip families and educators with information, resources, and actions they can take to keep kids safe online as vast numbers of students start the school year in a virtual learning environment.
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The ALA Has a Longstanding Pornography Problem and Is Now Attacking NCOSE for Our Efforts to Hold Them Accountable

Organizations like the American Library Association must stop crusading for the “right” to expose children (and adults) to dangerous and exploitative material and instead be proactive about protecting children from sexual exploitation.
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Survivors of Sexually Exploitative Multi-Billionaires Are Still Awaiting Justice

Survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation were dealt an unjust blow when lawyers for New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft were able to convince certain Florida judges that videos investigators gathered of him paying for sex in an illicit massage parlor should not be admitted to court.
Kraft faces two charges of solicitation of prostitution for his activities in 2019 at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter, Florida where he was arrested as part of a sting targeting sex trafficking in the state. Officials found that women at the spa worked in deplorable conditions and performed sex acts on an average of 1,500 men per year.

Robert Kraft’s move to avoid these charges by challenging the admissibility of the videos is just the latest instance of a powerful billionaire using his influence and money to avoid responsibility for his crimes.
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Get Involved Today:

With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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