For years now, Donald Trump and his Interior Secretaries have been trying to open the pristine wilderness of the Arctic National Refuge to fossil fuel exploitation. And now—just as they've done with land near Arches, Bears Ears, Hovenweep, and thousands more acres of public land—they're going to auction land in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The administration rushed through the review process for drilling in the Refuge's coastal plain, and they've been tearing down the safeguards that protect the Refuge from oil and gas development—disregarding Indigenous rights and public wishes, and prioritizing oil and gas interests over people and wildlife.
The Trump administration won't listen to reason—so we have other plans:
We are pushing Bank of America to join Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo and agree to stop financing Arctic drilling.
We are demanding oil companies abandon their destructive plans to rip fossil fuels from the Arctic.
We are working with Congress to enact permanent protections for this precious place.
We will see the Trump administration in court to enforce the laws and protect the Arctic Refuge.
Supporter, we're mobilizing our grassroots, training activists, and going to the banks to stop funding oil and gas drilling. We're campaigning to protect lands in Congress. All we need to make this happen is you.
You can help us save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—and its precious wildlife and sacred sites—from being leased to destructive oil and gas interests. Become a monthly donor to the Sierra Club today and snag your FREE insulated tote.
Oil and gas drilling in the Refuge—the ancestral homeland of the Gwich'in people, and critical habitat for the porcupine caribou herd which they hold sacred—would threaten Indigenous rights. It would worsen the climate crisis, which would in turn exacerbate sea level rise and imperil the habitats of birds, polar bears and other species. And it would harm local recreational and tourism interests that depend on this pristine wilderness.
Will you help us continue our aggressive advocacy to protect the Arctic Refuge with a monthly gift to the Sierra Club now?
Help protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and all wild places with your monthly gift to the Sierra Club now.
We're so grateful for your commitment to protecting the last wild, wonderful places—and for your generous support of the Sierra Club today.
In this together,

Michael Brune
Executive Director
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