Do you have just 30 seconds to help make a difference in our campaign? Take our updated, 2020 Issue Survey to let us know which issue is most importan
Kathleen Williams for Congress

Please be safe and follow CDC guidance during the coronavirus outbreak. As our country works through this difficult time, please join me in reaching out to those in need or who are feeling isolated - we are all in this together.

Do you have just 30 seconds to help make a difference in our campaign? Take our updated, 2020 Issue Survey to let us know which issue is most important to you!

With the election just weeks away, we want to make sure the issues we keep fighting for reflect those of the people Kathleen will represent when she serves in Congress.

Especially since in-person events are limited, we depend on hearing from you digitally to make sure we stay informed about your community’s top priorities.

So whether it’s protecting public lands, strengthening Social Security or fighting to recover our economy, take our 30-second survey today to let us know about your #1 issue in this election!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts,

Team Kathleen


Kathleen Williams is a fighter for Montana. She is running for Congress to fix our broken health care system, foster opportunity for all Montanans and protect Montana's outdoor heritage.


To donate via mail, please send a contribution to PO BOX 548 BOZEMAN, MT 59771        

Paid for by Kathleen Williams for Montana

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Kathleen Williams, P.O. Box 548 Bozeman, MT 59771