By Mark Gruenberg and John Wojcik

WILMINGTON, Del.—Asking the country to “choose hope over fear,” former Vice President Joe Biden formally accepted the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination on Thursday night. “Here and now, I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us not the worst. I will be an ally of the light, not of the darkness.”
“The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division,” Biden said. “United we can, and will, overcome this season of darkness in America. We will choose hope over fear, facts over fiction, fairness over privilege.”
In his Aug. 20 address, Biden talked about the nation’s pain, particularly hemorrhaging jobs and a rampaging coronavirus pandemic, while highlighting his own blue-collar roots. That, and being just plain Joe, may well help him win back many working-class white voters, especially men, who went with Trump in 2016. Many of those voters went to Trump four years ago, helping him take the White House by narrowly carrying the key Great Lakes factory states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.
Current opinion polls show Biden carrying those states.
Pain is being felt by all workers under Trump, Biden said, ticking off the traumas: Five million people testing positive for the coronavirus, more than 170,000 dead, 50 million jobless, and 10 million who lost their health insurance—all avoidable, he declared....