Donald Trump’s postmaster general Louis DeJoy just told senators that he has no plans to reinstall the over 600 mail sorting machines that have been removed from post offices under his leadership. [1]
DeJoy and Trump clearly remain determined to overburden and bankrupt the USPS ahead of November’s elections.
Friend, if the Postal Service is going to survive Trump’s attacks and a global pandemic -- everyone who cares about and relies on the USPS must show their support for this vital agency.
Let’s tell Trump and our members of Congress loud and clear: the American people back the U.S. Postal Service. Add your name now >>
I’m alarmed at the new intensity of attacks on the U.S. Postal Service -- a public service millions of us rely on for our mail-in ballots, our paychecks, our life-saving medications, and communications with our loved ones.
Louis DeJoy has made major changes to the USPS that will cause unnecessary delays for our mail. You've seen the stories all over the news: public mailboxes being removed by the truckload, sudden personnel shake-ups, new restrictions for postal workers that limit their ability to bring us our mail every day...
And while DeJoy made a vague statement this week promising no additional changes -- he didn't commit to reversing the damage that he has already done.
That’s why Common Cause is suing to make sure we can count on the USPS during this November’s election and beyond. It’s why the House has introduced the Delivering for America Act -- which would restore normal Postal Service operations and forbid major changes to the USPS during the COVID-19 crisis.
And it’s why we’re asking concerned Common Cause members like you to speak out today. If you stand with the U.S. Postal Service and against Trump’s attacks -- add your voice now.
Friend, the Postal Service will only weather the coming months if it has the support of millions like you and me. Please take action today -- and urge your friends and family to do the same.
Thank you for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause