What's New at CPUSA.ORG

Save the Post Office!

Dear John,

Let's stop the Trump Administration from trashing the postal service. Write the USPS Board of Governors and demand that they stop slowing down the mail and fire Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

The November 3 election is less than 100 days away. What are the issues that will drive voters to the polls (or mail box)? Each week, we'll feature articles about issues people are thinking and talking about as they prepare to vote. Please share People Power: At the Ballot Box and Beyond and Prominent Left Veterans Say Vote Biden-Harris, then Keep Organizing widely with coworkers, friends, and family. Start a discussion!

This Week @CPUSA takes a dialectical look at the Dems' convention.

The benefits of resisting imperialism, and the costs of collaboration with it, are discussed in Cuba and Jamaica: Imperialism's Impact on Sovereignty.

"Metaphysics is a trap," says the author of Dialectics: The Science of Struggle, and t
hinking dialectically—seeing things in motion and interaction and change—is how we get out of it.

The Marxist IQ "honors" the GOP on the eve of their convention.

The struggles faced by neurodivergent people go beyond historical stigma, explain the authors of Neurodiversity and Capitalism's Oppression.  

A Virginia state senator and other anti-racist activists are charged with felonies on the eve of the opening of the Virginia Assembly, where policing reforms will be taken up. The Virginia CPUSA demands that the charges be dropped.

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura

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