Dear John

During the Spanish flu unfortunately doctors treated patients with high doses of aspirin which killed thousands of people. Evidence is that the Spanish Flu was not more virulent than other flu viruses. There were numerous factors that contributed to the high death rate including poor diets and public Hygiene which was just beginning to be improved after the rise in the concentration of a large population. One,"surprising factor in the high death toll: the misuse of aspirin" by doctors.[2]

"Therefore, by artificially lowering fever with aspirin, infection multiplied and spread to internal organs. Aspirin also “thins” the blood causing the lungs to develop a dangerous buildup of fluid. Now we have a perfect medium for germ growth. Therefore, autopsies from 1918 flu or Spanish Flu victims did not reveal death from viral infection but from “wet” or “hemorrhagic” lungs and pulmonary edema."[3]

And there was evidence of "autoimmunity-via-pathogenic priming.

In the more recent arrival of a Caronavirus similar problems have appeared with treatments used... but some found better solutions.

Countries like Japan appear to have ended up with an extremely low death rate(850 by July 2020) because they used the asthma inhaler rather than rushing to Intubation with ventilators. Taiwan had only 7 deaths with 23 million crowded inhabitants (by July 2020).

Diet remains a major contributor to the death rate In America the actual deaths seem to have gone down this year despite the Coronavirus. Certainly many causes of death have decreased statistically. This is likely due to the fact many of the people who might have died from infection in the lungs, heart-failure, kidney-failure, pulmonary edema or any of the numerous other previous existing morbidity they had at the time of death now will only die of Covid on the record. Then there was the problem caused by ill-advised medical intervention.

The high death rate from the coronavirus and COVID does not seem to exist except in the mouth of the media and the people who believe them. The high death numbers beyond normal flu deaths seem to be inflated by false and fraudulent data collection and some times by poor health and medical choices.

Today, the president of the United States spoke about making 100,000,000 up to 500,000,000 doses of a new vaccine when it is ready. A vaccine is not the same as aspirin nor the same as a ventilator which you can take out after it is inserted in you.

Are you ready?

Are you ready for the truth?

Can you handle the truth?

Here are bits and pieces of the puzzle.

Listen to Keys of the Kingdom to learn how they all fit together.

Recent RNA Vax show:

A variety of experts have stated: "Scientists are developing more than 100 coronavirus vaccines using a range of techniques, some of which are well-established and some of which have never been approved for medical use before."

“These experimental COVID-19 vaccines take three strategies for ultimately delivering a piece of genetic code—either mRNA or DNA—that tells cells to start making viral proteins."

“Beyond the practical challenges of making these new vaccines, gene-based vaccines carry the same risks as all the other vaccines. There’s a rare, but real, chance that a vaccine can actually boost a viral infection rather than prevent it."

Who is telling you the truth?

We know that "The mRNA strand in the vaccine may elicit an unintended immune reaction."

But it is more advisable than a DNA vaccine but neither have ever bee used by humans. Because there is “no need for the RNA to enter the cell nucleus, and the risk of being integrated to the host genome is averted.”

"DNA vaccines also have a major disadvantage. They show the possibility of bringing mutations in the host DNA."

They are willing to risk you having "an unintended immune reaction" rather than risking "the possibility of bringing mutations in the host DNA."

In case you have not figured it out the word "host" means you, your children, your neighbors, and all of humanity.

What has been the driving forces behind the pandemic, the shutdown, crises after crises?

  • What is the evidence of that being true?
  • What will Fact checkers say?
  • Will you be able to just refuse?
  • Do you have a plan B?
  • Should your plan include what Christ commanded?
  • Do not be like the foolish virgins
We will answer this on our next Keys of the Kingdom broadcast.
Learn what the Blessed Strategy of Christ was for the early Church.

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