Wide angle street shot - Cropped

Hello Canadian Patriots!

Our movement has snowballed in the two months since our Canada Day Protest! The picture above is from Montreal's massive freedom march on August 8th - there were people as far as the eye could see, I heard estimates of 50,000 people.

Now it's time for the rest of Canada to follow Quebec's lead! The next MAJOR protest is:

Saturday August 29th
Parliament Hill, Ottawa
12:00 noon

If you only get to one protest, come to this one - we're aiming for 200,000 people in Ottawa, part of global protests planned around the world! We'll be protesting in solidarity with patriots in the UK, Germany, France, and Spain.

Please SHARE this with everyone you know, let's get the word out. You can find promotion ideas here.

Protests Work!

When people come out, we see progress! 2 weeks after Quebec's massive march, the premier scrapped Quebec's tyrannical Bill 61, which would have extended the state of emergency for 2 years, given the government the power to seize people's property, and given Quebec politicians full legal immunity. It's not over, and we know they're going to try again - but know that protesting DOES have an impact!

Please share this far and wide, and we'll see you on the hill!

August 29 Protest Graphic
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