
We are so thankful for supporters and volunteers like Karen Sheek.

Karen is a retired teacher, the former mayor of Cortez, and now the president of the Colorado League of Women Voters. She recently sent a letter to her hometown newspaper encouraging a Yes vote on Proposition 113 -- the National Popular Vote.

Click here to read Karen’s letter >>

Karen’s letter referenced the late Congressman John Lewis and one of his famous quotes: “The right to vote is precious and almost sacred, and one of the most important blessings of our democracy ... We must ensure every vote and every voter counts.”

That’s why we’re fighting to pass Proposition 113, the National Popular Vote. The National Popular Vote will make sure every voice matters and every vote is equal when voting for the President.

Many people have fought and given up so much for our right to vote, only to have millions of votes mean nothing in the presidential election.

The National Popular Vote will change that. It will make sure one person truly equals one vote. It will make sure the presidential candidate that earns the most popular votes wins the election.

But we can’t pass Proposition 113, the National Popular Vote, without your help. Join us and help us reach every voter in Colorado and pass Prop 113 on November 3:


Thank you so much,

Yes on Prop 113, National Popular Vote