September 20th, be part of climate movement history as we walk out of our classrooms and workplaces demanding our leaders finally take action on the climate crisis.

Hi John,

My name is Nella. I’m a New York City-based nurse as well as a member of the Nurses Union. Years ago, I made a commitment to care for people from communities affected by the climate crisis. That’s why I’m joining the Global Climate Walk Out September 20th-27th. 

The current climate crisis will not leave any part of the world unscathed by disaster, and families like mine in the Philippines are currently on the frontlines dealing with the impacts. I feel a deep responsibility to take action before it’s too late, and I’m hoping you will feel the same. 

Watch this short video of union workers like me and join us on the streets September 20th-27th. Let’s show the world what taking action on climate looks like - the climate crisis won’t wait, so neither should we.

I’ve seen first-hand how the climate crisis is impacting my home communities in New York and the Philippines. In 2013, when SuperStorm Sandy ravaged NYC, it was nurses like myself that were there as first responders, evacuating patients from hospitals and filling in the gaps where traditional relief efforts were slow to respond.

Only a year later, Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines and I stepped in as a medical responder to take care of survivors from the devastating aftermath. As long as we continue to allow the fossil fuel industry to drive the climate crisis, workers will continue to bear the brunt of climate chaos. Enough is enough; another future is possible if we all show up and demand it. 

Check out the map of Climate Strike events (there are already over a 100 across the US) to find one near you and RSVP for it. If one doesn’t exist, consider hosting an action yourself - our organizers will walk you through each step. 

This strike is for everyone. Millions of school strikers, who have been taking to the streets calling for bold climate action for over a year, want people of all ages to join them — including parents, teachers, workers, retirees and all concerned people.

This year’s student climate strikes align with nursing values – like caring for one another. And with our union values – like solidarity. And on the most basic human value – survival. Let’s not miss our moment. 

In unity,


PS - Do you want help organizing your Climate Strike event, or just want to build your activist skills? Sign up here for a 350 online training. is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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