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COVID-19 Shattered Any Illusions that America has the Best Health Care
by Arielle Kane, Director of Health Care 

The COVID-19 pandemic has dispelled any illusions that despite its high costs, America has the best health care system in the world. The coronavirus death rate is six times higher for Americans than other rich countries.

The shortcomings of America’s health care system include the extreme vulnerability of the elderly in nursing homes; the poor health of impoverished and minority communities; and a lack of basic medical equipment and surge capacity in hospitals.

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PODCAST: Congressman Don Beyer on the Path Out of the COVID-19 Crisis
by Will Marshall and Ben Ritz

PPI President Will Marshall and Ben Ritz from the Center for Funding America’s Future are joined by Congressman Don Beyer (VA-8) to talk about the path out of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19.

A Look at Kamala Harris's Record on Health Care
By Ahtra Elnashar

PPI's Director of Health Care Arielle Kane shares her thoughts on Harris's health care policies in an interview with ABC 33. While some Republicans have criticized Harris for changing her stance on including an option for private plans in her Medicare for All policy, Kane believes, "learning from the past and adapting your perspective... is a sign of intelligence, not a sign of weakness."

A Conversation About Police in Schools

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The Progressive Policy Institute and Democrats For Education Reform D.C. facilitated a balanced conversation from four experts representing different perspectives on how police in schools impact student well-being, safety, education, and life outcomes. We reflected on these issues with leading D.C. figures in education reform, and thank everyone who joined in this webinar discussion on these critical issues and ways to ensure every student feels safe and supported in school beyond the COVID-19 crisis. 

Thank you to our panelists:

  • Alexis Jones, Student Advocate, Pathways 2 Power 
  • Principal Sundai Riggins, Hendley Elementary School (Washington, DC)
  • Joaquin Tamayo, EducationCounsel
  • Patrice Sulton, DC Justice Lab

Thank you to moderator Curtis Valentine, Deputy Director of Reinventing America's Schools Project.

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