North Dakota Voters First - Anti-gerrymandering + Open Primaries + Ranked Choice VotingVoter Choice for Massachusetts - Ranked Choice VotingFair Maps Virginia - Anti-gerrymanderingSee all campaigns.Join the campaigns to help bring them to victory. If you live in another state, join our online volunteer community to support these campaigns. You're invited: United to Save the Vote | A fiercely nonpartisan virtual gala to protect the 2020 election. Sunday, August 30th | 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET | Hosted by Ed Helms | From the head writer of Conan, Matt O'Brien | Featuring: Jennifer Lawrence, Dave Matthews, Zooey Deschanel, Secretary Tom Ridge, Sia, Drunk History, Nick Kroll, Ben Harper, Jonathan Scott, and more... RSVP Get ready to vote | How to Vote by Mail This November: A State-by-State Guide | The time to prepare for November 3rd is now. Use our comprehensive guide to request your ballot early and help ensure a smooth election process. Get the facts. Call out corruption | Our Letter to President Trump: Respect Free & Fair Election Results or Resign | RepresentUs will always call out corruption and defend our nation’s values — no matter who sits in the Oval Office or what letter is next to their name. Read the ad.Support the movement by choosing an option below to get involved: Volunteer to help campaigns win. Join our volunteer team.Support anti-corruption campaigns with a monthly donation. Fund the movement.This is the time to keep our foot on the gas and our eyes on the prize. Thank you for fighting with us.
