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Unicef USA
August Newswire
Empowering U.S. children through the Child Friendly Cities Initiative
Empowering U.S. children through the Child Friendly Cities Initiative

UNICEF USA is proud to launch an exciting new program in the US — the Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI). By bringing together governments, partners and families, the program will help make U.S. cities safer, more inclusive and more equitable for children.
Read more about this program and its impact >>
The worst locust outbreak in generations is here
The worst locust outbreak in generations is here
Powerful swarms of locusts are currently wreaking havoc on East Africa's food supply and adding further devastation to countries already struggling with COVID-19. The historic outbreak has the potential to cause food insecurity and hunger for millions of children.
Learn more about the outbreak in NPR Goats and Soda >>
How other countries have reopened schools
How other countries have reopened schools
As we head into a new school year, we have a lot to learn from science and how countries abroad have returned to the classroom. There are many safety measures to consider — from class size to testing protocols — that can keep our children safe.
Read more about how schools are reopening >>
Delivering soap and safety to Burundi
Delivering soap and safety to Burundi
Clean hands save lives, but in countries like Burundi, soap is a luxury item. UNICEF has forged a unique private-public partnership that will bring low-cost bars of soap to Burundi's 12 million people and strengthen their defense against COVID-19.
Check out the partnership and its impact >>

Protect girls' access to education during COVID-19. Urge your Senator to co-sponsor the Keeping Girls in School Act to ensure access to education for girls worldwide. Email them now >>
For every child. Please donate.
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