From Josh Herrington <[email protected]>
Subject Preparing citizens to vote with confidence
Date August 21, 2020 12:02 PM
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You support Poynter. We support facts and the free press.

Thank you for generously giving to Poynter. You’re receiving this newsletter each Friday so we can keep you well informed about the lifesaving work we’re doing, with your support, to fight against misinformation around the world and help journalists deliver news you trust.

Election Day is only 74 days away, and Poynter is working hard to prepare citizens for Nov. 3 by helping them identify misinformation and vote based on the facts.

Analyzing and fact-checking political conventions

A significant event this week was the Democratic National Convention — held virtually, of course. For four days, the convention speakers addressed issues that have been on most of our minds: the coronavirus pandemic, our economic recession, race, and the current administration’s policies. Our PolitiFact team worked overtime to fact-check every day of the convention
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(and will do the same next week for the Republican National Convention) to provide you with the truth of the matter. And Poynter’s senior media writer Tom Jones holds media to a high standard in his daily newsletter, The Poynter Report [link removed] Check out Tom’s insightful analysis and commentary [link removed] on how the media covered the convention this week.

Educating journalists — and citizens — about voting in an era of online misinformation

Want to add your voice to the dialogue on ethical election coverage? In September, Poynter and our Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership are convening hundreds of citizens, journalists, and public officials online for The Weirdest Election “Night” Ever [link removed], a short series of discussion panels on what journalists and citizens need to know about 2020 elections and a working democracy. The findings will help produce a report for wider dissemination to media practitioners and consumers. Apply now: [link removed]
to attend this free event.

Are you or someone in your life voting for the first time this November? Our MediaWise Voter Project is offering a free, one-hour course called Fact-Checking 101 that can help you sift through all the political information coming your way on social media. You’ll learn the basics of misinformation, how to quickly fact-check suspicious posts, and how to identify even the sneakiest of online ads. Enroll now and get notified when the class goes live in October [link removed]

Spending an afternoon with you discussing media ethics

Do you ever get what I call the “4 p.m. blahs”? That listless feeling of wanting to do anything except the task that’s in front of you? Then take a break next Thursday and engage in a stimulating conversation with us that’s sure to perk you right up.

Join Poynter senior vice president Kelly McBride and me for a Poynter Perks discussion on Kelly’s role as NPR’s public editor. This is an exclusive, free Zoom event for Poynter donors only, where you’ll have the opportunity to ask Kelly your own questions about how NPR covers politics, protests and more. And if you email your question to me in advance at [email protected], it may get to the front of the line! Register in advance to attend: [link removed]

Please consider making a contribution toward our mission today [link removed]
so we can continue to keep you informed tomorrow. If you recently made a donation to Poynter ... thank you!

Be well,
Josh Herrington
Development Director
[email protected]

Poynter Foundation Board Members:
Brian Tierney, CEO, Brian Communications
Ramon Bosquez – President, The Bosquez Group, LLC
Michael Dreyer, President, Tampa Bay Trust Company
Frank “Sandy” Rief III, Attorney, Allen Dell, Attorneys at Law
Liz Sembler, Board Member, Corporation for Public Broadcasting

The Poynter Institute for Media Studies is a global leader in journalism education and a strategy center that stands for uncompromising excellence in journalism, media and 21st-century public discourse.

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