Friend, we must never again allow the presidential candidate who loses the popular vote to occupy the chair in the Oval Office.
BUT, that’s exactly what’s happened twice in the last five presidential elections.
The answer? Pass the National Popular Vote Compact to FIX the broken Electoral College. If National Popular Vote is passed by enough states, members of the Electoral College will cast their vote for the winner of the popular vote in all 50 states.
This plan works because the current state-by-state "winner take all" system isn't written anywhere the U.S. Constitution. So, if states with a total of 270 electoral votes agree together to give theirs to the candidate who wins the most votes nationwide, we can prevent a candidate -- like Donald Trump -- who loses the popular vote from ending up in the White House.
National Popular Vote will not only ensure that the person who gets the most votes wins the presidency… but it will also force candidates to spend time engaging the voters in all 50 states instead of just a handful of swing states.
AND.... it will give every voter, no matter where they live, a meaningful voice in picking our next president.
Best of all… we’re already more than halfway to the 270 electoral votes required. AND, as more and more Americans focus on next year’s presidential election, we have a MAJOR opportunity to expand National Popular Vote to more states -- inching closer and closer to victory.
That’s why Common Cause is prioritizing National Popular Vote in the coming months. Our voice is being heard, strongly and without apology, in states that have not yet signed onto the National Popular Vote Compact. We are in the trenches, battling to fix the broken Electoral College.
But we urgently need your support to get this done! Your moral support. Your financial support. And you can trust us with your contributions, because we’ve been your watchdog, defending the civil rights and voting rights of all Americans going clear back into the 1970s.
To ensure we have the resources required to win, I’m asking you to step up today as a Guardian for Democracy -- part of a special group of Common Cause Members who’ve agreed to make the biggest impact they can with a small monthly donation to sustain our work.
This is the most effective way to support our state-by-state grassroots work to FIX the broken Electoral College by passing National Popular Vote.
And, if you become a Guardian for Democracy BEFORE MIDNIGHT -- we'll send you a free copy of Robert Reich's latest book "The Common Good" to say thank you!
Can we count on you, Friend?
Yes, I will become a Guardian for Democracy today and help pass National Popular Vote >>
No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.
15 states and D.C. -- totaling 196 electoral votes of the needed 270 -- have already signed on. And once we reach 270, an Electoral College majority, National Popular Vote will take effect -- letting ALL of us have a real say in presidential elections.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause