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Anas Sarwar, the Labour MSP, said that the level of criticism about the proposed law was undermining attempts to bring communities together to tackle bigotry.
A planned housing estate, which would be exclusively for Orthodox Jewish families, is set to be built despite some objections that the homes should be available for everyone to live in.
Free-range yogurt brand, Lancashire Farm Dairies, invited yoga enthusiasts to their first ever cow yoga session at Paradise Farm in Leyland last week but has now said they will no longer hold the sessions following criticism from the Hindu community.
Abuse of children based on faith or belief — which includes witchcraft, spirit possession and black magic — increased from eight in 2017/18 to 38 in 2018/19.
Central European nations should unite to preserve their 'Christian roots' as western Europe 'experiments' with same-sex families, immigration and atheism, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Thursday.
The head of a Mexico-based evangelical church that claims more than 1 million followers worldwide was ordered on Tuesday to remain in jail and stand trial on charges of rape, human trafficking and child pornography.
The head of a Catholic publishing house has launched a fundraiser for Cardinal George Pell. Pell was convicted on charges of sexual offences but his conviction was overturned by the High Court of Australia earlier this year.
Jihadists in the restive north-east of Nigeria have taken hundreds of people hostage who had only recently returned home from refugee camps, after local government officials claimed their town was safe.
On July 29, Mashal Naseem's father, 57-year-old Tahir Ahmad Naseem, was killed in cold blood — in the very courtroom where he was being tried for claiming to be a prophet.
A South Korean religious group at the center of a new coronavirus outbreak has been accused by the government of withholding key information and obstructing public health authorities in their fight against the pandemic.
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