My friend Joe Biden just finished speaking, capping off the most unconventional Democratic National Convention in our lifetime.

Though we were separated by thousands of miles and a pandemic, Joe's message came through loud and clear across America:

If you entrust me with the presidency: I will draw on the best of us.
That's the America our movement's fighting for - an America that draws on the best of us

And that's why we need to do everything we can to make sure Joe and Kamala Harris win in November. Chip in now to keep the momentum going!

For nearly four years, a uniquely malicious administration has – every day – openly attacked our values, our safety, our trust, our health, and our democracy. The damage is done, but now it's up to us to ensure that this is the end of the road for Trump's presidency..

You know this. And you know it's our duty to lead the nation's long, difficult healing process.

But our responsibility goes far, far beyond cleaning up the Trump administration's mess. We need to be pushing forward – not just restoring our country, but building a better country:

A country that welcomes immigrants from all over the world.

A country where access to quality, affordable health care is a right, not a luxury.

A country that's ready to face its legacy of white supremacy and make bold systemic change to ensure equity for all people.

A country where children don't need to learn active shooter drills in school.

And a country where every person can vote easily, safely, and confidently for leaders who fight for us, not wealthy special interests.

And when I think about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris leading us into that future with the vision, judgment, stability, and compassion that our country needs right now, I am so proud – and optimistic, and fired up – to be part of this movement.

Let's get this done. Contribute now to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and join me in building a better America.


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