Folks -- I just addressed the country during the Democratic National Convention from an evacuation center in Santa Cruz.

Americans need to know how climate change has critically damaged our state. Evacuations are happening all over California. Folks have had to flee their homes to seek shelter and safety due to numerous wildfires -- exacerbated by lightning strikes and record heat waves.

We’re battling over 370 wildfires. We’ve had 11,000 dry lightning strikes over a 72-hour period. A record-breaking heat wave caused 130 degree temperatures -- the highest ever recorded in our state. If anyone is still in denial about climate change, they need to come to California.

That includes our president. Just today, Trump threatened California and the 40 million Americans who live here with defunding our efforts to fight wildfires -- because we “haven’t raked enough leaves.” You can’t make this up.

You also can’t make up the fact that we’re involved in over 90 lawsuits with the Trump administration on clean air, clean water, endangered species, pesticides, and more.

We’re in a battle to save our environment from collapse. Climate change is real. And time is running out to do something about it.

There is so much at stake in this election -- we need leaders who not only believe in climate change, but who are ready and willing to act on it. We need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House.

Please, sign your name if you agree: Climate change is real, and we have to do everything we can to stop it. The future of our planet is at stake in this election.


Thank you,
