Planned Parenthood has finally decided to disassociate from its notorious founder.
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August 20, 2020
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What Comes After Margaret Sanger's Cancelation? ([link removed])
Margaret Sanger is being canceled. And Planned Parenthood itself is the one doing the canceling of its notorious founder. Karen Seltzer, board chair of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, spoke for America’s deadliest public charity in uncharacteristically frank terms. Sanger’s cancelation is described as "a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy."
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More Evidence of 'Organs on Demand' System in China ([link removed])
China has been repeatedly and credibly accused of organ harvesting the Falun Gong and other political prisoners, usually for the black market, in which rich foreigners needing a transplant travel there and buy their lives at the cost of ending someone else’s. It is an evil trade, and one for which China should be shunned by the international community.
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Carter Snead on the Fundamental Disagreement of Our Time: What a Person Is ([link removed])
“The fundamental disagreement … is about what a person is — what human flourishing is, what is the nature of human identity, what is human nature, is there such a thing as human nature. And I think that it divides along, broadly, two polarities that you see play out in our public conversations and our private conversations…”
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Belgian Neonatologists Support Eugenic Late-Term Abortion and Infanticide ([link removed])
German doctors were hanged at Nuremberg for killing disabled infants — part of the medical Holocaust. That same act — killing a baby because he or she is disabled or terminally ill — is now accepted with a shrug in the Netherlands under a bureaucratic infanticide checklist known as the Groningen Protocol — which was published with respect in _New England Journal of Medicine_.
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