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No one should have to choose between their faith and starvation.
But since the onset of COVID-19, the U.S. Immigrations and Custom Enforcement (ICE) has been forcing Muslim immigration detainees at the Krome Service Processing Center in Miami, FL to do just that. ICE is making Muslim immigrants detained at Krome choose between eating pork, eating rotten halal meals, or starving. Forcing people, who are in the care of the U.S. government, to make this choice is inhumane, illegal, and unconstitutional .
Tell ICE to end this cruelty! [[link removed]]
Since the pandemic, ICE has been serving pre-plated meals to detainees at Krome. Those meals regularly contain pork. Because the halal meals the ICE facility serves to Muslim immigrant detainees are spoiled—and have caused diarrhea and vomiting to people who have eaten them—these Muslims have no choice but to eat the pre-plated pork meals or seriously risk their health in the middle of a pandemic by eating spoiled meals or skip meals entirely. ICE is presenting these Muslims with an impossible, dehumanizing choice: between their faith and their food and health.
When Muslim detainees tried to ask for help, the facility’s chaplain callously said, “It is what it is.”
In partnership with Americans for Immigrant Justice and the law firm King & Spalding LLP, we are demanding that ICE, DHS and Krome guarantee that every Muslim detainee in each ICE facility around the country has access to edible halal food for all meals. We need to make sure that no other person in ICE custody has to make the choices that the Muslims at Krome have been forced to make.
We need your help to end this cruelty. Click here to sign and send our petition to defend the religious freedom of Muslim immigrants detained by ICE. [[link removed]]
Nimra Azmi
Staff Attorney
Muslim Advocates
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