Good evening,

The stakes have never been higher, friend. I wanted to share my message with you on the 2020 Democratic National Convention:

Alongside my fellow Democrats, I’m working every day to ensure that we elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in November. Now is the time to go above and beyond for our country. From the top down to the last entry on the ballot, we need to elect Democrats.

It’s time to push forward together, and I can’t do that without your help. No one can afford another four years of Donald Trump, his lies, and his dangerous policies. We need empathetic, honest, and caring leaders who will be proactive in addressing the issues most pressing to the American people.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the way we move forward and rebuild the United States after the damage Donald Trump has caused. Four more years isn’t an option.

2020 is the year we make history. Help us keep up the momentum we have going from this Convention all the way through Election Day!

Yours truly,
Martin Heinrich





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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125