It's Chocolate Pecan Pie Day. We all like it, but that's not why today is so special. TODAY WE CELEBRATE DR. PAUL’S 85TH BIRTHDAY! And tonight, we want to deliver Dr. Paul a stack of birthday wishes from Campaign for Liberty supporters like you to make his 85th birthday extra special and honor the 40-plus years he has spent fighting for liberty! But time is running out for you to sign his card!!! ![]() Please sign Dr. Paul's card at once. And please read the special message below from Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton about Ron Paul's leadership and continuing to FIGHT BACK for liberty alongside Dr. Paul. -- C4L Staff Special Message from
C4L President Norm Singleton Dear Patriot, Standing up for what’s right is never a cakewalk – especially when you’re talking about opposing those who want to see government controlling every aspect of our lives. But Dr. Paul has shown you and me exactly how to FIGHT BACK with courage, character and integrity in the 40-plus years he's been fighting for liberty. I'm proud to have served on Ron Paul's congressional staff and of continuing to FIGHT BACK for liberty alongside Dr. Paul here at Campaign for Liberty following his retirement from Congress. But with freedom is under attack like never before, Dr. Paul and I need your support today. The government’s response to the COVID-19 panic effectively put the entire country on lockdown at the orders of petty tyrants. Congress’ out-of-control spending combined with reckless Federal Reserve policies have sunk our nation over $26 TRILLION in debt. But for the "Swamp" politicians and banksters, the TRILLIONS they've printed out of thin air in a matter of months aren't enough. Now they have us ripping toward $27 TRILLION, with no end in sight and as Dr. Paul has been warning you, they're hellbent on ushering in Central Bank Digital Currency. This scheme would more aptly be named SURVEILLENCE DOLLARS and ORWELL COINS. After all, they don't care that much about having to actually print their fiat dollars -- they've been doing it for years. No, their scheme is all about ending private financial transactions altogether and government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up -- and even what you can and cannot spend them on! Meanwhile, violence is on the rise in American cities at the same time politicians attack our Second Amendment freedoms with the goal of stripping law-abiding Americans of any ability to protect ourselves. To top it all off, the statists’ allies in Big Tech are getting into the action and beginning to censor anyone who dares to question the establishment. Ron Paul has spent decades fighting schemes like these. He’s still fighting. Dr. Paul's wife, Carol, said that in her recent email. You'll likely never read truer words than Mrs. Paul's, except maybe in the Bible. Today, I’m also hoping you’ll join me in showing Dr. Paul he’s not alone. . . . That patriots remain committed to standing with him, fighting for freedom, and restoring this country back to its founding principles of liberty. Patriot, the fact is our country would have been driven off a cliff years ago without Ron Paul as the leading voice for liberty and constitutional government in the United States for the last 40-plus years! So, I hope you won't stop at signing Dr. Paul's card and jotting down your notes of thanks for all he's done for fighting for liberty. I hope you'll also please show him how committed you are to continuing the fight for freedom with your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty – the organization he built from the ground up after his 2008 presidential run. Perhaps you can give $60 today? I know that’s a lot. But Campaign for Liberty has so much on its plate right now. Your kind words for Dr. Paul will be very appreciated. But as with everything else, words mean so much more when they’re combined with generosity and sacrifice. If $60 is too much, please consider $40 or at least $20. Please act right away. In Liberty, Norm Singleton President |