August 31, 2019        

If Keynes was such a model champion of the free society, how can we account for his peculiar comments, in 1933, endorsing, though with reservations, the social "experiments" that were going on at the time in Italy, Germany, and Russia?

by Ryan McMaken

Defenders of slavery so vehemently opposed free labor, they claimed the "wage slavery" system was even worse than slave labor. The idea being that slavery is morally superior to wage labor.

by Antony P. Mueller

New technologies, not the state, will be the key to making it ever easier to meet basic needs and diminish the perceived need for more government services.

by Matheus Fialho Vieira

Brazil — and its longtime disregard for property rights — has shown us how not to manage forest lands. Current calls for government solutions to forest fires do nothing to offer real solutions.

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