Dear John:
We didn’t need the sabotaging of the U.S. Postal Service to remember that the stakes of this November’s election couldn’t be higher.
We have to put everything we have into defeating Trump, flipping the Senate, holding the House, and electing Democrats up and down the ticket.
We have a LOT of work to do, and just 75 days to do it! Take our quick survey and let us know your top priorities for volunteering in the General Election →
Our campaign is gearing up to run phone banks, text banks, postcard writing, and other safe volunteer activities every week this fall to support key races.
Like everything else about this campaign, this is a grassroots, people-powered effort. We want to hear from as many volunteers as possible about the races that they are enthusiastic about, the activities they are most ready to commit to, and any other information we can use to make our organizing as effective and inclusive as possible.
John, please take our quick General Election survey now -- you can use this link →
Watching my friend Ady Barkan, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Michelle Obama, and others speak this week at the Democratic Convention has reinforced the vision of the country that we could be if we came together to tackle long-standing inequities and create policies that support and uplift everyone.
As Michelle Obama reminded us in her captivating speech at the DNC: “In one of the states that determined the outcome [of the 2016 election], the winning margin averaged out to just two votes per precinct -- two votes.”
Every single vote matters -- and that means every phone call, postcard, text, and conversation matters too.
Thank you so much for your organizing. Please continue to stay safe,
-- Brad
Lander for NYC
456 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
[email protected]