Postmaster General DeJoy is testifying tomorrow. Call Congress to demand action before that.
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Fight for: The Post Office
Our democracy is under threat
Pressure Congress to save the USPS!

People in rural communities. Seniors. People with disabilities who depend on the USPS for medications. Veterans who depend on it for medicines and VA benefits. Small businesses that depend on it for shipping. Working people who depend on it for paychecks.

Think these Americans shouldn't vote in the election? The Trump administration sure doesn't.

As its attacks on the USPS intensify in order to undermine November's election, we MUST do everything in our power to protect and save the USPS. Call Congress now!

Demand legislation to restore funding and services to the USPS. Demand the right to vote safely in a pandemic. Demand a functional democracy because we deserve nothing less.

While Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's announcement that he supposedly suspended changes to the postal service is a step in the right direction, it's just that: A small step.

When he testifies in front of Congress tomorrow and next week, we still deserve answers about how he's going to restore decommissioned sorting machines and mailboxes, so Americans get the truth about his actions to undermine the USPS.

So don't wait. Call right now. Because it's simple. We need the USPS. And now, the USPS needs us.

— The Leadership Conference
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