Hello John,
“People ask me sometimes, when -- when do you think it will be enough? When will there be enough women on the court? And my answer is when there are nine.” - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
These words were spoken right before Trump won in 2016, and since then, Trump has rammed through two hyper-conservative, male judges to the Supreme Court -- Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Both have demonstrated that they are anti-women and anti-immigrant -- they voted to restrict women’s access to health care and their right to choose in 2019, and are open to overturning Roe v. Wade in the future. 
Trump has vowed to replace RBG and appoint more conservative justices like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh if he wins, threatening our entire legal landscape. We can’t give Trump another four years to replace progressive voices and roll back all the progress we’ve made. 
This November, we need to stand with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and vote Trump out of office. We need to know now how YOU feel:
Do you support Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
Thank you for taking today’s live poll!
-A Woman’s Place

A Woman's Place PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States