Hi Friend,
Our Earth is warming at an alarming pace. Ice shelves falling. Sea levels rising. Blistering temperatures scorching the U.S. and many parts of the globe.
But there’s a climate solution that nobody is talking about.
As a Population Connection supporter, you know one crucial factor in solving climate change: stabilizing global population through the full empowerment of women and girls by expanding access to family planning options and girls’ education.
Empowering women makes for a long-range plan to stabilize population and address climate change, so we have to double down on our efforts now.
That’s why I hope you’ll join our summer matching gift challenge today—to provide a much-needed boost to Population Connection’s critical work. Together, we’re educating young people and advocating for universal access to reproductive health care, and helping to solve our planet’s climate crisis while we still can!
Here’s the great news: A trio of your generous fellow supporters will match, dollar-for-dollar, your donation to Population Connection with donations of their own to Population Connection Action Fund, up to $175,000!
When you contribute $25.00 to Population Connection, our generous matching gift sponsors will give $25.00 to Population Connection Action Fund. Together, you can propel our education, membership outreach, and advocacy programs ahead in the coming months.
Your generosity will support, among other things:
Targeted action with Population Connection Action Fund in battleground states with our #Fight4HER campaign. We’re seeking to ban the Global Gag Rule, Trump’s cruel foreign policy that restricts U.S. global health aid from medical providers in the developing world, if they so much as mention abortion, let alone provide abortion services.
Urgent calls to increase annual U.S. investments in international family planning programs to $1.6 billion a year, which would expand birth control options and reproductive health care services to millions more people worldwide.
Training and materials for 12,000+ teachers to implement Population Education in their K-12 classrooms, awakening more than three million students each year to the threats of global population growth … and the benefits of population stabilization.
Outreach to college professors and classrooms nationwide, spreading the news and providing a call to action for young people to tackle our climate emergency through empowering women and girls, such as by ensuring full, voluntary access to family planning options.
Timely educational programing for current Population Connection members who want to deepen their understanding of population issues so they can work as informed activists in their own communities.
Today, you can double your impact on the fight for global population stabilization. When you make a gift of $25.00 today, it will be MATCHED dollar-for-dollar with an equal gift to Population Connection Action Fund, up to $175,000.
I hope you’ll stand with us—our collective efforts for a better future are needed now more than ever.
Thank you for all that you do,

John Seager
President and CEO