Join us on August 24 and get the truth about Clean Cars Minnesota. We'll debunk misinformation and take your questions live. 

Get to Know Dr. Leah Stokes,
Benefit Breakfast Keynote

Thanks to her incredible ability to distill complex energy and climate policy, along with a big dose of social media savvy, Dr. Leah Stokes has become a household name across the U.S. From live-tweeting candidate debates to providing commentary for major media outlets, she has had a big impact on public perception of clean energy. Learn more about Dr. Stokes and RSVP to join us on October 22. Register soon to win a signed copy of her new book!

Solar Farm Field Days: A Photo Album
Wildflowers love August and many of Minnesota's pollinator-friendly solar arrays are in full bloom—see for yourself with these fantastic photos from Fresh Energy's Rob Davis. He recently took a field trip where he captured the best of solar bees, blooms, butterflies, and...sheep!

The Time is Now for Equitable Investments in Minnesota's Energy Efficiency Programs
Minnesota's investor-owned utilities have filed their latest plans for energy efficiency programs and we know that these programs aren’t equitably serving those who stand to benefit most. Read Fresh Energy's five recommendations for improvement.
Minnesota's residential energy code plays a big role in saving homeowners and renters money, not to mention helping the state achieve climate and energy goals. We can't afford to let Minnesota fall further behind. Read more.
In July, Fresh Energy hosted the Truly Affordable webinar series. We brought together Minnesota thought leaders and hundreds of participants from around the state to discuss how super-efficient buildings can become the new normal in equitable affordable housing. Watch the recordings here or listen to our podcast.
Fresh Energy is your clean energy champion, turning challenges into opportunities for progress toward a zero-carbon future. Take a look at our 2019-20 Annual Report to learn how Fresh Energy is leading Minnesota on a path to healthier and more equitable economies and communities.
Read more.
Aug. 20, Sept. 17, and Oct. 1 | Electric Vehicles in Minnesota? You betcha! How do EVs really work here in the North Star State? Join us and a panel of EV owners to get your questions answered! RSVP for Aug. 20, Sept. 17, or Oct. 1.
Aug. 24 | Fact Check: Get the Truth About Clean Cars Minnesota. Due in part to a misinformation campaign by opponents of clean car standards, many are confused about what the standards actually do. Join us and get the facts. RSVP.
Sept. 16 and Oct. 14 |  Mowers, Blowers, and Chainsaws: Electric Yard Care 101. Get the scoop on electric leaf blowers and chainsaws! We'll be joined by a guest who will discuss her extensive experience clearing backcountry trails with electric chainsaws. RSVP for Sept. 16 or Oct. 14.
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters in July. Click here to see the full list.

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