"The Occupation Corrupts. It’s Time to Repair."

Peace Now sign, during the street protest this past weekend.

August 17, 2020 - The peace deal with the United Arab Emirates
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Q. Is the UAE peace agreement a done deal? How far-reaching are its ramifications? Is West Bank annexation now really “off the table” as President Trump says?
A. It is early to project...
Q. Let’s return to the key Palestinian dimension later. Let’s first assume this is indeed a breakthrough to peace between Israel and a third Arab country . . .
A. That would make this an undeniable Middle East peace achievement...
Q. Why was annexation not about to happen?
A. Netanyahu fairly quickly realized there was too much opposition...
Q. Netanyahu states he has only postponed annexation.
A. The UAE leadership has made clear that cancellation of annexation plans is its rationale for normalizing relations...
Q. Are the dynamics of this breakthrough somehow particularly relevant to the policies of Netanyahu, Trump, and the Emiratis?
A. Yes, but also particularly relevant to Iran and Turkey...
Q. Meanwhile, back in Palestine, who opposes the deal?
A. Both the PLO in Ramallah and Hamas in Gaza are furious...
Q. And in Israel, opposition?
A. Netanyahu's right-messianic settler political base feels totally betrayed...
Q. Bottom line?
A. ...For those Israelis who wish Israel to remain a Zionist, democratic state, the paradox of last week’s breakthrough could not be more disturbing...

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
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Webinar: "The Palestinians in the Shadow of the Israel-UAE Agreement" - A conversation with Daoud Kuttab
Thursday, August 26, 12 Noon (Eastern)
The normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates was a blow for Palestinians. Why is the Israel-UAE agreement such a setback for Palestinians? How does it impact Mahmoud Abbas' efforts to secure statehood and sovereignty? What are the Palestinians leadership's policy options? Could it make lemonade out of this lemon?
Award winning Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab is director of the Community Media Network in Amman, Jordan. He is the former editor of Al-Fajr English weekly newspaper, a columnist for the Arabic language al-Quds daily and a regular contributor to leading American newspapers, including the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times.

Objection to Building a New Settlement in E1
Peace Now, Ir Amim and the Association of Environmental Justice in Israel filed an objection against the plan to build 3,500 settlement housing units on E1, the area east of Jerusalem that would bisect the West Bank and be a potential fatal blow to the prospects of a two-state solution.

WEBINAR:"A Generation Awakens: Israel’s anti-Netanyahu Protest" with Dina Kraft
On Monday, American-Israeli journalist Dina Kraft discussed the nature and impact of the unprecedented continuing protests in Israel against Prime Minister Netanyahu, government corruption, and for democracy and justice.
PeaceCast Episode #145: Jessica Montell on Israel's House Demolition Policy
In a rare decision, Israel's Supreme Court accepted the petition of a Palestinian family against an IDF order to punitively demolish its West Bank home. Jessica Montell, the executive director of the Israeli human rights organization Hamoked, which helped file the petition, talks about the case and about the doctrine and practice of house demolitions in the West Bank.
Subscribe to APN's PeaceCast at iTunes or Google Play
APN's Ori Nir on the VOA feature report on Israel - UAE normalization
The Voice of America's extended report came out soon after the announcement of the Israeli - UAE normalization deal, and featured APN's Ori Nir.

The Guaradian: "The UAE-Israel deal will make a two-state solution even less likely"
by Ian Black, author of Enemies and Neighbours: Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017
...There is nothing wrong in principle with breaking the fiction of pan-Arab solidarity, but it’s hard to interpret this dramatic move as reviving long-fading hopes for a just solution of the world’s most intractable conflict – which is in Israel’s interests too. Abandoning the Palestinians is not a good idea – whatever the spin from Washington, Jerusalem or Abu Dhabi.

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