anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Weekend Edition, August 31 - September 1, 2019

Beware the Vengeance of the Afghans

Article by Eric S. Margolis.

Peterson’s Progeny…. For Me

Article by Ira Katz.

Fish Fry

Article by James Howard Kunstler.

The Death of Arms Control

Article by Scott Ritter.

2002 Landmarks on the Road to “1984” Orwellian Hell

Article by James Bovard.

How Long Before Danielle Ryan Is Gone?

Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

Comey’s ‘Walk’Exposes the Deep State Cartel Running America

Article Dave Hodges.

Lying for Israel

Why Nearly Everyone in Washington Does It. Article by Philip Giraldi.

False Flag Terror

Washington’s Blog.

Dear Trump Advisors: Prop the Market Up Now and Lose in 2020

Or Let the Market Crash and Win in 2020. Article by Charles Hugh Smith.

Peter Schiff: A Great Recession Will Hit Jeopardizing Trump’s Reelection Efforts

Article by Mac Slavo.

‘The World Is Watching’

US reaction points to Hong Kong as a ‘color revolution.’ Article by Nebojsa Malic.

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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