Friend - I just wanted to be pass along this note from Elizabeth.
She's up against a big fundraising deadline...and she needs our support to
reach her goal. [ [link removed] ]Can you chip $3 (or more) right now to finish off the
month strong? Click here to donate now. - Maria
There's only one way we're raising money for this campaign.
I'm not hosting any fundraisers where you can only get in by writing a big
check — because a person's wealth shouldn't determine the amount of time
they can spend with me, or with any presidential candidate.
I'm not counting on a billionaire to fund a Super PAC for me — because the
Democratic primary can't just be one more plaything for the rich and
I'm not taking a dime from federal lobbyists, corporate PACs, or PACs of
any kind — because our campaign is about people, not powerful special
Instead, we're building a true grassroots campaign with grassroots donors
— because that's the only way we'll create a movement strong enough to
make big, structural change in our economy, our government, and our
I wouldn't ask if it weren't powerfully important: Before tomorrow’s
end-of-month fundraising deadline, will you make your first donation to
our campaign? $3 or whatever you can chip in would make a huge difference.
I can't do this without you.
On a typical presidential campaign, my team would be flying me from big
city to big city to scoop up as many big fat checks as possible.
Wealthy donors might come see me at fancy receptions in hedge fund
offices. They'd sip champagne, nibble on shrimp cocktail, and try to
convince me that the tax loophole that just so happens to pad their
pockets is also good for the whole country.
But I'm not running to be a president who only pays attention to the
wealthy and well-connected.
I'm running to be everybody's president. My time is not for sale, and
every supporter has an equal place in our movement.
Instead of getting cozy with the rich and powerful, I'll keep traveling
across the country for town halls, meet-and-greets, and house parties.
Anyone's welcome to come — no big check required.
If you ask me, that's what a campaign for president should be all about.
Talking with people, in their hometowns, about real solutions to real
problems. Getting organized at the grassroots level to make change happen.
But this type of campaign is only possible if everyone who is able pitches
in what they can.
I'm running to be the best president that money can't buy, but I can't do
it alone. This is how we'll stop Washington from only answering to the
beck and call of billionaires and giant corporations — one grassroots
donation at a time.
Without the backing of wealthy donors at stuffy private fundraisers, I
truly need your help to build this grassroots movement for big, structural
Let's keep building something incredible together. Please make your first
contribution before tomorrow’s midnight deadline.
Thanks for being a part of this,
[ [link removed] ]Click here to make a donation to Elizabeth Warren's campaign and our
work to elect a bold progressive president in 2020.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here: [link removed]
Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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