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Everything is on the line for the 2020 elections. We’re in an intense battle to keep our Senate majority, win back the House and fire Speaker Pelosi, AND we need to elect as many conservative attorneys general as possible.

The AG race in Indiana is heating up, and we need all Hoosiers to step up to the plate to elect Todd Rokita.

The coastal elites are trying to prop up an ally who will relentlessly go after President Trump and VP Pence. They’re already doing it in liberal states like New York, and we can’t let it happen here in the heartland!

Todd Rokita is proven public servant who has already represented Hoosiers as our Secretary of State and Member of Congress. He’s a constitutional conservative who will protect us from crime, uphold the rule of law, fight lawlessness in our streets, and defend — not de-fund — our men and women in blue.

Will you chip in $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or what you can to win this race for the GOP?

We can’t let the Democrats win this one. They will never stop their baseless, targeted attacks against the president. Our only hope is to elect principled leaders like Todd Rokita who will have President Trump's back.



I know that we can show up strong in this battleground race and send a message that the Dems can’t buy Indiana.

Thank you for your support,
Kyle Hupfer
Chairman, Indiana Republican Party


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