Stars and Stripes Forever PAC

Dear John xxxxxx,

I received this email from Nikki Haley on behalf of the Leadership Institute. Because of your support to me and Stars and Stripes Forever PAC, I thought you would may be interested in helping.

She's absolutely right... "If we lose the kids, we lose this country."

For America,
John Philip Sousa IV
            John Philip Sousa IV

From the desk of Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley

Fellow Conservative,

When I was America's ambassador to the United Nations, I learned a thing or two about standing up to bullies.

But the bullies challenging America's founding principles aren't only tyrants overseas. Radical leftist bullies right here in America use their positions of power and influence to bully and intimidate conservatives.

The problem is even worse on college campuses. Far-left professors, enabled by sympathetic liberal administrators, aim to indoctrinate an entire generation of young people with a poisonous, anti-American ideology.

Too many places of learning have turned into centers of indoctrination. Debates give way to brawls. Conservative ideas are censored by "social justice" mobs. And conservative students are bullied and shamed into silence.

But there's another way. When campus conservatives learn they're not alone, they're empowered to speak out. And the more they challenge leftist professors and agitators, the more converts they gain among their fellow students.

And there's no one better prepared to resist -- and defeat -- the dominant campus left than Morton Blackwell and the Leadership Institute.

The Leadership Institute is America's leading organization to organize and train conservative young people. The Institute equips conservatives to win today -- and builds future conservative leaders to win in the future.

When you join the Leadership Institute today, you'll help recruit, train, and organize conservative college students to stand up for what's right.

In 2018, LI campus organizers identified 52,797 new conservative students courageous enough to take their stand. These students form the core of the Leadership Institute's nationwide network of 2,062 active conservative student groups.

The Leadership Institute team lights the way.

By supporting the Leadership Institute today, you'll provide the immediate assistance necessary to:

  • Train conservative students how to win battles against the leftist mob
  • Give conservative students a platform to expose leftist horror stories on the Leadership Institute's watchdog website
  • Make liberals pay for their attacks on conservative students by partnering with conservative legal organizations to defend students' civil liberties

Unfortunately, the madness of the leftist mob has spread from college campuses to the rest of society.

With so much on the line for our country over the next year, the Leadership Institute must reach many thousands more students and inspire many thousands more grassroots leaders to join the fight for American freedom.

Please support the Leadership Institute's drive to organize and train thousands more students and grassroots leaders. This could not be more urgent.

Today's leftists have gone well beyond disagreement with President Trump and conservatives. They've become absolutely unhinged with rage.

I've never seen anything like it. It's scary.

This leftist rage is accompanied by an unprecedented flow of cash from wealthy liberal backers, determined to spend whatever it takes to bring down President Trump and regain power in 2020.

If the left out-spends us and out-shouts us, how can you and I compete? We must fight smarter. We must invest in the right places to make a difference. And we must understand how to win.

Just think how many conservatives with good heads on their shoulders have fumbled miserably in the political arena. Good ideas aren't enough! More conservatives must learn what it takes to succeed.

This is where my friends at the Leadership Institute come in. Your support today will train more conservative candidates and grassroots leaders how to defeat the left and preserve American freedom.

The Leadership Institute trains conservative campaign teams and activists how to overcome the money and media advantages of the left. The Institute offers 48 separate training schools on everything from grassroots campaigning to crafting effective messages.

Today, twenty-seven Leadership Institute graduates serve in the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Another 400+ graduates serve as state and local lawmakers, and countless more as campaign staff for President Trump's campaign and the campaigns of conservatives around America.

Congressman Dan Crenshaw, for example, took five Leadership Institute training schools. That training prepared him to win a tough election last year in Texas' second congressional district. Through the Leadership Institute, Dan Crenshaw learned how to stand up effectively for our shared conservative principles.

Your support today for the Leadership Institute will prepare more conservatives to withstand the leftist onslaught and win. This is how you and I will teach our kids and grandkids to preserve American freedom for generations to come.

Already, leftist candidates line up to challenge President Trump and conservative officeholders. And the mob cheers them on. You and I must be brave enough to face them down -- starting right now.

Thank you so much for standing up for America.

My very best,

Nikki Haley
Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations

P.S. My friends at the Leadership Institute have the courage to stand up to the leftist mob, and I hope you do too.

When you join Morton Blackwell and the Leadership Institute today, you'll break the left's stranglehold on our country's college campuses.

You'll help train a generation of young conservatives to stand firm against the left and stand up for our founding principles.

You'll turn young conservatives into the strong leaders America must have to prosper.

Please give as generously as you can to help the Leadership Institute equip conservatives to beat back the mob and save America. Thank you.

Stand up for America and stand up to the liberal mob

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