This is urgent —

South Carolina Senator and Trump apologist, Lindsey Graham, is in Colorado today to shore up the GOP’s right-wing base and help our Republican opponent win re-election.

Graham must think he has his own re-election in the bag, because he’s spending his time here — instead of back home campaigning against my good friend, Jaime Harrison.

The latest polls show Jaime and I have a good shot at winning these key Senate races, which is why I’m asking:

Will you split a contribution between Jaime’s campaign and ours today to help us both fight back against Lindsey Graham’s attacks? Together, we can flip our states blue and take back the majority for Democrats.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically processed and split between Jaime Harrison and John Hickenlooper:

Republican groups are pouring millions into our races to protect their interests because they know Jaime and I would be independent leaders in the Senate and a serious check on the GOP’s dangerous agenda. Because just like Cory Gardner, Lindsey Graham refuses to stand up to Trump and do what’s right for his state.

It’s clear the people of Colorado and South Carolina are ready for some new leadership.

Jaime is TIED with Graham, and our opponent is within single digits of us — we cannot let the GOP tilt our deadlocked elections their way.

That’s why I’m personally asking you to split a contribution to help both us and Jaime Harrison fight off Lindsey Graham’s attacks. We’re in the final stretch of this election and we can’t take anything for granted.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically processed and split between Jaime Harrison and John Hickenlooper:

Let’s get to work.
