Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren are three of the main speakers at the DNC convention tonight but they also have something else in common...they have all endorsed my opponent because she will support their radical agenda in DC.

You read that right, three of the most extreme Democrats in their party who want socialized medicine, the Green New Deal, and tax hikes on the middle class, have endorsed my opponent. If it were up to my opponent and her supporters, they would destroy the North Texas economy and take away the private health insurance from hundreds of thousands of our neighbors.

We cannot let this destructive liberal agenda take hold in North Texas.

Pelosi, Harris, and Warren will spend their speeches talking about how they want to transform our nation if they are able to win this November. I know Texans don't want their extremism running America and telling us how we have to live our lives, but if we don't get the support we need TODAY, they could flip our district.

DC pundits have rated our district a tossup and one of the top 5 most likely to flip in November. If this happens, my opponent will be just another vote for a Socialist takeover. I need your help today to stand up to this destructive agenda. 

Thank you for your continued support!

Beth Van Duyne