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on Social Media!
Every day we share articles, guides and resources with hundreds of thousands of parents, caregivers and educators across our social media channels. Our aim is to provide you with everything you need to make good decisions for your kids and navigate the challenges of raising and educating children. Are you following the Child Mind Institute on social media?

Here are some highlights from the past week:


Child Mind Institute Social Worker Meg Glick explained how praise and positive attention can be used by parents to change behavior. The Power of Praise.


We're looking for pre-college students who have demonstrated exceptional early achievement in research in the fields of psychology, neuroscience or biomedical engineering for our 2020 Rising Scientist Awards.


Child Mind Institute president Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz spoke with GMA's Ginger Zee about back-to-school and mental health.


The economic crisis and an unprecedented demand for services means Child Mind Institute has never been more important or more strained. This #NationalNonprofitDay your gift will help us continue to provide vital care and support to children and families during the pandemic and beyond.
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