Dear Members and Associates,
This Friday at 3 pm supporters of the USPS are gathering for a picket at the Mt. Royal branch on St. Marie St. There is also a 3:30 protest on the West Side on Grand, but this is the main one. Bring your home-made signs, your masks and your solidarity. Click through the image if you want more details on Facebook. Twin Ports DSA is not the organizer of this event, but the DSA Labor Commission has had a "Save The USPS" campaign for several months now.
This Sunday at 4 pm is our monthly membership meeting. Among other things, we need to elect a new at-large steering committee member. If you have been thinking about getting more involved in the chapter, now is a great time. The primary expectation is making the monthly agenda meetings the Sunday prior to regular meetings, but the steering committee also engages in a fair amount of back-and-forth email when things come up. It's a great way to develop new skills and stay in the mix of things. Any dues current member is qualified to run.
Our agenda is at this link, and the link to join the meeting is below.
In Solidarity
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA
Twin Ports DSA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Monthly Membership Meeting
Time: Aug 23, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: 693521
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