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Andrew Mckie says Scotland's "carelessly worded" hate crime bill should prompt serious discussion about the degree to which we can and should "modernise".
As the government considers a ban on conversion therapy, Fiyaz Mughal, founder of Faith Matters and Muslims Against Antisemitism, urges the prime minister to consider the harm of Muslim therapies in any measures.
Donald Trump admitted his decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was made largely for Evangelical Christians, a community staunchly supportive of his presidency.
Abortion rights advocates are pinning their hopes on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to help end a longstanding ban on the use of federal funds for abortion — a policy he supported for more than 40 years.
A Polish town that lost European Union funding after it set up a zone free of "LGBT ideology" will receive government financial support, Poland's justice minister said on Tuesday.
As the head of Timbuktu's religious police goes on trial for war crimes, Kim Sengupta retraces his own steps in the west African nation, where a new Islamist resurgence is beginning to take hold.
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