Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

Lockdown Evil

Tom Woods

‘We Have A Lot of Evidence That It’s a Fake Story All Over the World’ – German Doctors on Covid-19

Arjun Walia

Discrimination Is Freedom

Laurence M. Vance

Don’t Believe Anything the Government Says About Vaccines and Viruses

Jon Rappoport

The Progressive Racism of the Ivy League

Patrick J. Buchanan

The Great Election Fraud: Will Our Freedoms Survive Another Election?

John W. Whitehead.

Deep State Smashes Journalist for Truth-Telling

Paul Craig Roberts

Willie Brown Admits It: Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

Monica Showalter

Connecting the Dots: the Three 1960’s Patsy-Assassins to CIA’s MK-ULTRA

Phillip F. Nelson

Is It Time for Civil Disobedience Against The Covid-19 Cult?

John Ward

Behind the Diaper

Eric Peters

US Paying Billions for Free Covid-19 Vaccines

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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