Dear John, I'm thrilled to let you know that tonight I had the honor of officially nominating my friend, Joe Biden, for President of the United States.

Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

I'm thrilled to let you know that tonight I had the honor of officially nominating my friend, Joe Biden, for President of the United States.

I'm so proud to serve Delaware in the United States Senate in the very same seat that Joe Biden held, and throughout my time in the Senate, I've tried to follow Joe's example.

As you know, Delaware is a state where people expect to see their Senators at the supermarket or at a church festival. It's a state where elected officials are expected to be part of the community and involved at the ground level. That's the kind of Senator Joe was for decades, and that's the kind of Senator I try to be, too.

Joe has the heart and compassion for this critical moment in our nation's history, and it was my honor to officially nominate him for President of the United States earlier tonight. Will you join me in showing Joe your support by splitting a contribution between our campaigns?

Joe has a vision to restore the soul of our nation, and he has the experience to get things done. He's done it before: Joe has fought -- and won -- against the NRA, he helped pass the Affordable Care Act, he's championed climate change legislation, he's stood up to dictators, and he's always supported our troops.

And now, during a pandemic and one of the worst economic recessions in our history, Joe is the leader we need. He helped President Obama bring us out of the Great Recession, he kept Americans safe during the Ebola crisis, and he knows the kind of leadership we need to get through the crises we face today.

If you're as excited as me to have Joe in the White House, will you help me make it happen with a contribution to our campaigns?

Thanks for being on this team,


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