Republican Jewish Coalition

John --

Today, Joe Biden and his team gave a coveted convention speaking slot to anti-Semite Linda Sarsour. Sarsour’s anti-Semitism is so striking that she is considered treif to the Woman’s March - but not too anti-Semitic for Joe Biden’s Democrat party. We need to fight back now.

Fight Democrat Anti-Semitism - Give To The RJC Right Now

Sarsour is a rabid anti-Semite, a friend of Louis Farrakhan, and a proponent of the BDS movement against Israel. She spreads anti-Israel lies and champions the cause of terrorists. If Linda Sarsour is the face of the Democrat Party, then the Democrat Party has truly become the party of anti-Semitism and too toxic for American Jews.

So what can you do? Give to the RJC right now.

Seriously, give to the RJC now. We will never let anyone forget the Democrats’ embrace of rabid anti-Semite Linda Sarsour, nor will we let anyone forget that the Democrats let Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib get away with their blatant anti-Semitism. If the Democrat Party is going to become the party of anti-Semitism, we won’t let them hide that from the Jewish community, and we need your help to amplify our message.

So help us expose Democrat anti-Semitism. Give right now!



Matt Brooks
Executive Director


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Republican Jewish Coalition | 50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC 20001
202.638.6688 | [email protected]
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