Hello —

Less than 100 days until Election Day, President Trump is deliberately trying to defund and dismantle USPS in a brazen attempt to save his re-election campaign.

He literally said so himself:

“They need that money in order to have the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots...But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting...”

Sign our urgent petition demanding Trump and Gardner end the attacks on the United States Postal Service immediately >>

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The United States Postal Service is essential to a functioning society. Millions of Americans depend on the USPS to receive medication, bills, paychecks, mail-in ballots, and more.

Trump’s hand-picked Postmaster General even deliberately slowed mail delivery, banned overtime, and decommissioned mail-sorting machines.

Here’s the kicker: Cory Gardner has been completely silent about this. Not a word. It makes us want to pull our hair out!

Trump and Gardner are losing their elections, and this is a desperate attempt to save their political fortunes — all at the expense of seniors, veterans, and everyday folks who rely on critical postal services.

Sign our urgent petition now demanding Trump, Gardner, and Senate Republicans work with Democrats to fully fund the USPS while there’s still time.

sign your name

Lives and the future of our country depend on saving the USPS. Thanks for making your voice heard today.

— Team Hick