Hi John,

So how are you feeling?

Nervous?  Anxious?  Excited?  Freaked out?  CHECKED out?

I have to admit I've had some days when I've been feeling pretty down, and I'm sure I'm not alone. This all takes a toll.  One helpful bit of reading for this was Jen Hofmann's "When Resisting Makes You Weary."  We need to allow ourselves proper self-care, and not feel bad for taking time to recharge.  Then when you're ready to get back in the fight, HOO BOY DO WE HAVE OPTIONS!


Call all three of your members of congress, every day if you can, until this is resolved.  No other business should be occurring.

We appreciate Pelosi calling the house back in session.  Don't let up, she still needs to hear from us.  Feinstein and Harris need to push for a vote on the HEROES Act.  We need senate hearings NOW.  They must take the steps needed to guarantee our safe and fair vote immediately.  Here are some handy talking points.


SPEAKING OF THE USPS...while we're all (rightfully) freaking out about vote-by-mail, let's all keep in mind that absentee ballots don't have to be returned by mail!  We have options that will not overload the postal service.  This very helpful article should provide everyone in your social circle with the info they need.  Please share.



Tues. 3-5  Phone Bank for Biden and Harris with DemAction

Weds. 3-5:30  Phone Bank for Arizona elections with DemAction

Weds. 4-6  Phone Bank TX State Leg with Swing Left and Sister District

Weds. 4-7 DemAction East Bay is doing Phone Banking, Postcarding, and Text        Banking for Arizona ALL AT ONCE.  Find your comfort zone and hop in.


Resistance Labs has quite a few campaigns going currently, including many for the 2020 Census and Black Voters Matter.  Highly recommend, it's easy and effective.  Sign up here.

Just signed up to text with Indivisible, they have swing state texting available almost every day.  Check them out.   (Their Windivisible hub also has phone bank and Vote Forward links.)


Rise Up To Action has a postcarding team that would love your help!  Email the team captains here and they'll set you up.

Write GOTV letters from home! Send Vote Forward letters to increase election turnout. It only takes a couple of minutes and a stamp to meaningfully increase the odds that a fellow citizen will vote.  (You will need a printer.)


SF Democrats and Nancy Pelosi have put together a virtual Red to Blue volunteer hub for us!  The calendar is already getting filled up with events, check it out.

Grassroots Democrats HQ is another great resource.  You can find an event at pretty much any hour of the day.  Ditto democrats.org, there's always something going on.  Options, folks.  Options.

NOTE:  With all of these events, there is plenty of hand-holding.  I've been doing these things for a while but still have questions and often need refreshers.  Helpful activists await you.  Don't be shy.


Hey, here's an idea!  If you think you're able, consider signing up to be a poll worker on November 3rd!  I think I might do that myself.  Here's more information and the application if you're interested.


If you need a little inspiration to add fuel to your already raging fire, Kathleen Murray has recommended two great documentaries: 

Suppressed: The Fight to Vote (38 min.)  Featuring Stacey Abrams--Rampant voter suppression affects the outcome of the 2018 midterm election in Georgia.

Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook (1 hr. 19 min.) This film documents the political dirty tricks the right wing in America has masterfully employed to win elections over the last ten years.   to

win elections over the last ten years.

Get rested, get inspired, and get INVOLVED. It's up to us now.
