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They Call This August Recess? 

In August, Congress historically takes a little hiatus. The swamp in Washington drains (at least temporarily), and representatives and senators head home with the mission of hearing directly from their constituents. They call it "August recess."

For some congressional members from places that aren't Indiana, this might mean a real break. But if you know your Republican congressional delegation, you know taking a break isn't in their DNA. And if this is truly "August recess," then there's no doubt that they've seen this month as their chance to talk to as many Hoosiers as they can. 

Just this week, for example, Senator Todd Young, Senator Mike Braun and Congressman Greg Pence held an Academy Day in Columbus for students interested in attending one of the nation's service academies. 

Here's a great list of some of Senator Todd Young's work this month -- including visiting Floyd Central High School to talk about raising the smoking age, meeting with economic development leaders in Shelby County and joining Congressman Larry Buschon at the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. 

Senator Mike Braun has been on his his 50-city Summer of Solutions Tour, which this week included speaking at the American Legion Convention in Indianapolis, and touring businesses in Spiceland, Richmond, Connersville, Rushville, Batesville and so many more places.

Make sure to check out the official Twitter feeds for each of our members of Congress (linked below), and, of course, you'll see news about each of them at the bottom of this newsletter each week. These are great ways to keep up-to-date on what our leaders are up to for Hoosiers:

Senator Todd Young
Senator Mike Braun
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski
Congressman Jim Banks
Congressman Jim Baird
Congresswoman Susan Brooks
Congressman Greg Pence
Congressman Larry Bucshon
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth

So, next time you see one of these great leaders out and about, make sure to say hello and thank them for their hard work serving us all.

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: This week, Governor Eric Holcomb and Chairman Kyle Huper hosted Team Holcomb's annual G.O.Party in Speedway, a unique fundraiser that this year had a racing theme! 
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 
Skilling-Up Hoosiers & Promoting Health
Governor Holcomb had a busy week Putting People First, which included putting a spotlight on two of his biggest priorities as governor -- providing opportunities for ALL Hoosiers to skill-up and live healthier lives.
  • On Monday, Governor Holcomb attended The Last Mile graduation ceremony at the Indiana Women's Prison, which is teaching incarcerated Hoosiers important tech skills (like coding) so they will have opportunities to contribute to the Hoosier workforce on reentry and keep Indiana’s recidivism rate low. In fact, graduates of the program have a 0% recidivism rate! 
  • Yesterday, Governor Holcomb unveiled a new plan at Fishers High School to reduce vaping among Indiana's youth. Vaping has increased more than 300 percent since 2012, and the Surgeon General has labeled the increase in use of e-cigarettes among youth a dangerous epidemic. Learn more about the plan here!
Welcome Home, Vice President Pence

On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence returned home to Indiana. While it was only for a day, he had a full schedule meeting with Hoosier and American heroes. 
  • Vice President Pence spoke at the American Legion's 101st National Convention. President Trump and Vice President Pence will always fight for our nation's veterans and heroes. 
  • Vice President Pence also met with members of the Indiana State Police and thanked them for their service and dedication to protecting Hoosiers across the state.
It is always an honor to have Vice President Pence come back to Indiana!
Fall Dinner 2019: Celebrating Our Military 
This year's Team Holcomb Fall Dinner is one you won't want to miss! We're excited to welcome Congressmen and combat veterans Jim Baird, Brian Mast and Dan Crenshaw as the event's special guests on October 14 at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis.

These three American heroes have made so many sacrifices in the name of freedom. Of course, we already know Indiana's own Congressman Jim Baird, and you may remember Congressman Crenshaw from when he was unnecessarily mocked on Saturday Night Live, but this trio made national headlines when Congressman Mast's tweet "5 eyes. 5 arms. 4 legs. All American." went viral. 

Help us celebrate our military by booking your tickets for the Team Holcomb Fall Dinner now!


National Federation of Republican Women Convention
Coming to Indiana!

Save the date! The National Federation of Republican Women will be hosting their convention in Indianapolis this year on September 26-29. You’re invited to join them for their opening party – hosted by our own Indiana Federation of Republican Women – the evening of September 27 at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis.

Learn more about the convention here, learn about sponsorship opportunities here, and register to attend the national convention here!

Upcoming Republican Events

September 5: Pike GOP Ice Cream Social
September 7: Reagan Rally 
September 19: Hamilton County Fall Dinner
September 21
Brown County GOP BBQ
September 26: National Federation of Republican Women Convention
October 23: Huntington County GOP "Under the Dome"

October 28: Orange County Fall Dinner 

**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb prepares to head to Asia with Hoosier delegation
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch announces brilliant firefly award and recipients
Senator Todd Young introduces bill on alternative way to help pay for college
Senator Mike Braun says Indiana is "open for business"
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski visits Michiana Goodwills
Congressman Jim Banks to host Service Academy briefing
Congressman Jim Baird passed his first bill in Congress
Congresswoman Susan Brooks visits Italy-based company & Anderson University
Congressman Greg Pence talks gun safety & tariffs in Muncie
Congressman Larry Bucshon discusses what's ahead after recess
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth to host Academy Day 

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