From Jim Robb - <[email protected]>
Subject Your fellow NumbersUSA Members share why they fight
Date August 30, 2019 6:03 PM
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"I shudder to think what might have happened to the USA if not for NumbersUSA and its work over the last two decades. NumbersUSA is a guiding light and major force on real immigration reform and enforcement."

-- Ron W.
Cary, NC

Why We Fight: Your NumbersUSA Fellow Members Share Their Stories

Take a minute to get INSPIRED again!

Dear John,

This fight for immigration sanity is hard. It's long, and in many ways, thankless work for all of us. The Gallup Poll confirms that immigration is the #1 most important issue for voters, even beating out concerns about healthcare. Yet too many in Congress are STILL beholden to corporate and other special interests, and they fail to act year after year.

Our job is to DISLODGE the logjam to demand real reform. It's tough on all of us. Why do we keep on? Personally, I've worked on the immigration issue for 25 years. It can be brutal, but I can't give up. I've got grandchildren and nieces and nephews to protect. America's future cannot be safeguarded unless all of us continue to fight.

As you read the stories below, please keep in mind how urgently we need your financial support. Our NumbersUSA Action Fund relies entirely on the support of members like you. So please give today.

You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page [link removed]

I asked some of your fellow NumbersUSA members to share their stories of why they fight the good fight and why NumbersUSA is right for them. Here goes:

"Our story is my wife is an immigrant from Germany; we met by accident while she was visiting family while on vacation, we've been happily married now for 30 years... We paid our own way through the entire process as we watched people applying for status with interpreters, lawyers, and being rewarded with food stamps and green cards, while I had to go every year to INS for 5 years and prove that I could support my wife.

"I believe immigrants such as my wife have something to add to our country's prosperity but illegal immigration [will] only take away at the cost of taxpayers money. So, your site has allowed me to support your cause as its mine as well. I've sent hundreds of emails, faxes and made dozens of phone calls to our senators and congressional members. Most reply by email or letters and some have staffers call. I believe [with your] help we have staved off some really bad potential policies."

Thomas V.
Abingdon, VA

Thanks, Thomas. I'm glad you brought up your wife. It's a reminder that NumbersUSA is pro-immigrant. What we want is reduced immigration numbers and an end to illegal immigration.

"I don't remember how I became aware of NumbersUSA, but I am acutely aware that were it not for NumbersUSA we would now be living with at least two major amnesties and possibly more."

Bobby B.
Tyler, TX

Bobby, I appreciate you mentioning our work in blocking amnesties. Actually, ZERO amnesties have passed in the 21st century, thanks to the work of our dedicated members, supported by us.

"My parents came to this country in 1913 from Ukraine and they had to have a sponsor. They came through Ellis Island and if you were ill you were quarantined. If you didn't get well, you were sent back to your country of origin via the shipping company that brought you to the states, and this charge was picked up by the shipping company.

"To this date, many people that I know of from different countries still have to have a sponsor to guarantee that they will not be on the government dole. I am flabbergasted that the illegals are coming in such quantities and are just indiscriminately allowed in. This is not right, and it is a slap in the face to those who came here legally.

"Thank you again for allowing me to send the faxes to voice my and others' opinions. And, again I am sorry that as a senior on a fixed income I'm unable to contribute and I am deeply grateful that you allow us seniors to send the faxes at no charge."

Theresa P.
Torrance, CA

Thanks, Teresa, for reminding us there's a right way to organize our national immigration system. Next, Jim talks about why he's concerned about immigrant and what he thinks NumbersUSA does right:

"I have been involved with NumbersUSA for, I think, 15 years. I am proud of the steadfast commitment you have shown to protecting our nation as a whole and our workers in particular.

"I have known first-hand people affected. Of note, a friend of mine was laid off from a local Chicago-area job and had to work very hard to get any sort of computer job several states away. NumbersUSA is well organized and enables people to efficiently channel well-worded opinions to the right Congressmen in a timely manner...

"Too often both political parties ignored the true interest of the working people, particularly the blue collar people and computer workers. Through various rationales, they refused to do the obvious and restrict immigraton. Disney's demanding that laid off programmers train their foreign replacements, is something which comes to mind. I wish I could give more but I am retired. Keep up the good work!"

Jim T.
Crystal Lake, IL

Yep, Jim. Way too much cheap foreign competition. Imagine--the mainstream media and too many politicians are selling the absurd notion that we need yet higher immigration numbers!

Now, here's what Cecilia has to say about why she believes in our work:

"NumbersUSA is the only organization that gives me informed updates on the immigration proposals and happenings in Congress before the vote. Numbers is on top of every bill, issue or legislation. Roy Beck or someone at Numbers reads, analyzes and shares his/their conclusions with us lay persons. We can then call, fax or email our 'representatives' with a coherent position. It's the least I can do to help save America.

"I donate as much and as often as I can. Numbers is worth every penny.

"Thank you for all you do. Please keep helping us eliminate illegal immigration, reduce legal immigration and enable American students and workers to have the jobs they deserve."

Cecilia C.
Evergreen, CO

Cecilia, I hope a lot more members will take your example and pitch in to help pay for this expensive but critical work. Everyone, please give to NumbersUSA Action, our fund that pays for ALL the faxing, the emailing, the phone calling, the lobbying on Capitol Hill, the gradecards, and more.

We are 100% dependent upon individual members like you. No foundations can give to NumbersUSA Action. So if you can, please give today!

You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page [link removed]

Below, Judith makes a GREAT point I tell people I talk to often. Namely, if we build over wildlife habitats, and lose our wildlife, we'll end up with few parks and a damaged environment. Think China.

"I signed on for sending faxes about a lot of immigration issues. We are at a point that we really don't have a lot of places to house legal and illegal immigrants. More and more of the land wildlife is gone to build housing complexes, and when the wildlife comes into human areas, people have conniption fits and wonder why. It's pretty simple really - we destroy their habitat, so they have no choice but to come into human habitat areas for food.

"We are also facing a fresh water crisis for drinking, cooking, and bathing issue with all the influx of more and more people coming here."

Judith E.
Orlando, FL

James makes a similar point:

"What makes America such a great place to live is open spaces, a healthy and robust ecosystem, natural beauty, and relatively abundant resources. Immigration-driven population growth will destroy that. If we want to keep America a decent place to live, we have no alternative but to keep up our efforts and keep fighting. There is no running from the consequences of overpopulation. If we lose, we lose just about everything that makes life good here."

James B.
Lawrence, KS

For many who wrote in, their chief worry is about jobs and our future.

"I... have seen how excess H1b work visas for China and India caused US experienced workers here in Silicon Valley get lowered pay, then laid off... Also, [I] saw how less well educated America workers were hurt by illegal aliens taking their jobs at lower wages..

"My nephew couldn't get a job in Alabama for over two years, but after Alabama passed a law requiring E-verify he got a job within two weeks... NumbersUSA has helped some less educated youth, unable to find employment, to work."

Bryan T.
San Francisco, CA

And Mark very much concurs:

"I watched unnecessary immigration cause massive layoffs in the IT industry many coworkers let go and replaced by H1B visa holders.

"I'm tired of the phrase, 'they do the jobs Americans won't do'. Enough is enough. Build the wall. Find the illegals and send them home. We need mandatory E-Verify with stronger enforcement and penalties for employers. We need lower immigration numbers... Legal immigration, absolutely, but in lower numbers. Illegal entry into the US, send them home."

Mark J.
New Castle, IN

Mark, a lot of people are sick of the baloney about Americans being too snobby to work at unglamorous jobs. Just a few years years ago, Americans did almost all that work - without complaint!

Below, Steve explains how he came to trust NumbersUSA to get the job done.

"I don't recall just when, where or how I first became aware of NumbersUSA. At first I was hesitant. Was it for real? Did it have a dynamic, committed staff who were intelligent, organized and committed to the task? Were they prepared for the attacks that the political left would hurl at them? Were they capable of raising money, lobbying and persuading members of Congress effectively?

"[Yet] something told me this organization would get off the ground. It was getting media attention. It's website was well designed. NumbersUSA had committed, dedicated members who knew how to get the job done. Free fax service, news alerts, call cards, congressional member ratings, lobbying elected officials. Clear, concise, easy to read literature that I could hand out. Online videos that are right on target. And the staff I spoke to were well informed, responsible, and resolved my inquiries promptly."

Steve A.
Howard Beach, NY

We appreciate the praise, Steve. Percy from Florida gives a detailed account of what he saw after Hurricane Charley came through:

"In 1999 I moved to Florida... There I found my dream job working for a small construction company who built, remodeled and repaired houses. This was great work and I enjoyed the owners of the company.

"In 2005, Charley hit our area causing major damage to the area. We had an enormous amount of workers flock into our area. Things worked out and for the next three years we were quite busy. In 2008 most of the damage was fixed or replaced with new homes. The market suddenly went very dry and my company had to cut back. I was let go, I found out that they were paying new employees in cash and some of them were retained.

"I feel very strongly that I was replaced because it was much cheaper to pay cash to a worker saving the company from paying matching Social Security, workers comp. and unemployment insurance. Thanks for the opportunity to share my experience."

Percy M.
North Port, FL

Our super-activist Gerald writes about his experience in a fraud-filled industry:

"[M]y experience in meat packing, an industry that tends to attract a disproportionate # of immigrants, legal & otherwise. At a plant without E-Verify, two men, just an hour or so apart, applied for a position with the same Social Security number!

"One day a guard called to tell me he chased a fellow out of our employee parking lot as he was putting flyers on windshields. Effectively, they said 'to acquire Iowa Drivers' Licenses or Social Security cards call XXX-XXXX in Des Moines.' The prices were even shown!

"My wife & I have been active donors & members for years. We appreciate the accurate statistics & updates, the guided communication methods to reach our elected officials, videos, etc. Most of all we appreciate NumbersUSA being one of the most responsible public groups and/or charities that we are aware of."

Gerald E.
Garner, IA

Thank you for the kind words, Gerald! We work hard every day to live up to your good opinion of us! Below, Terry gives more insight into illegal workers crowding Americans out for jobs:

"I worked in construction across this country my entire 40-year career and have seen the tremendous loss of jobs to cheap, illegal foreign labor. I've talked to some of those illegal workers who have been here for two decades or more (the ones with a limited grasp of English) who have told me about all the money they've made and sent back to Mexico. I've talked to small business owners who love the profit margin they pocket from cheap labor.

"Aside from the loss of good construction jobs for American citizens, I'm tired as an American taxpayer of subsidizing millions of illegal immigrants who take advantage of our generous welfare system, not to mention other social costs such as education and healthcare. NumbersUSA understands my frustration and is my voice in Washington DC and around the country.

"I encourage all American citizens who miss the America we knew as kids to join NumbersUSA to help restore that America."

Terry N.
Derby, KS

I found this next one very touching:

"I support NumbersUSA more by prayer now, as my hubby has stage 4 kidney cancer and the medical bills are high. I have to pay the doctors.

"Thanks to the Numbers members who can pay more now to make up for people in my position. Many Blessings to NumbersUSA. I am proud to be a member."

Pati H.
Portland, OR

Patti, your fellow members of NumbersUSA send you our prayers and good thoughts, just as you've been sending us yours.

I'll close this by quoting the email of Barbara. I hope all of us take heart, renew our determination, and continue to fight for America's future.

"I'm an extremely grateful and outspoken supporter of NumbersUSA! It enters in to most of my daily conversations, as I am thrilled to share information,... including the grading system they have in place for... votes on immigration issues!

"The ability to call, email, and fax the members of Congress is at your fingertips as a member. I appreciate being able to add my personal thoughts to emails and calls. That is made easy, thanks to NumbersUSA. They provide a heads-up on issues and energize the members on important legislation related to immigration numbers.

"I love that the NumberUSA website is non-partisan, just the facts! I can freely share all the information and encourage everyone to become a member, regardless of political affiliation. And I do!

"I am quite passionate about the work they do and how simple they make it for members to be proactive! I could never express enough gratitude for NumbersUSA!

"Why not donate today and be a part of ending illegal immigration and slowing legal immigration according to the best numbers for our beloved USA? It matters!"

Barbara K.
Sarasota, FL

You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page

You can donate four ways:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. [link removed]

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Keep the faith and don't ever give up!

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Jim Robb
VP Operations

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
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