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How does our economic situation actually compare to the Great Depression, the worst economic downturn in the industrialized world? Check out this analysis and let's discuss the numbers.


Do you think this will be similar or not? Worse or not? Let's talk about it over in the comments.


A financial emergency is pretty overwhelming, but how you adapt mentally can make a world of difference in the outcome. Here are some things to consider.


How do you keep your attitude positive when money is tight? Share your ideas in the comments section.
From the Archives

It's times like these when you see the true nature of the people around you. And sometimes what you see isn't pretty. Here's how to opt-out of the ugliness.

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What could be more wholesome than baking a loaf of homemade bread from organic ingredients, right in your own kitchen? Baking it in non-toxic ovenware.

More from The Organic Prepper

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